Wednesday 5 March 2008

Meddling Old Neighbour

“Dear Aunt Aggie, I don't know who to turn to. The old woman who lives in the flat above me, is driving me mad. She is always peeking out of her curtains to see when I'm coming and going. When I get a phone call I can hear her switch her TV off, so she can listen to what I'm saying. When the post has been accidentally sent to her flat, it is forwarded to me already opened! Every Sunday she plays loud Church music and starts singing to it. I try banging on the ceiling with a broom-handle and shouting, but she pretends to not hear.from Grassed Off in Gateshead

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: Sounds like you've a real problem on your hands. This obsessive behaviour might be a case of loneliness, having nothing better to do than live her life through you.

Have you tried being friendly to her? Perhaps calling to see whether she needs any shopping? Get to know her better rather than being so critical. At her time of life she needs companionship and you should be showing respect for the elderly not criticizing. Remember, you will be old yourself one day.

Why not invite her for over Sunday dinner and perhaps accompany her to church as you say she likes church music. Once you get to know her better she could even stay over so she's made to feel wanted instead of neglected.

You could even invite her to one of your parties you young people are always having, so she doesn't feel left out. Before you know it you will be great friends and you will both be popping in and out of each other's apartments all the time.

Aunt Aggie © 2008