Monday, 10 March 2008

Husband Won't Touch Wife

“Dear loving Aunt Aggie, please tell me what to do. Me and my husband always enjoyed a good sex life, but recently he just never seems to get in the mood. I'm starting to worry that he doesn't want to touch me anymore, and that I'm not attractive to him. Other than that, things are going well, but our relationship just isn't the same without our love-making. We're both in our 40s. Please do not publish my name, I'd hate people to know we were having such problems and writing into a silly agony aunt about it! I'd die of embarrassment!”from Mrs X in 38 Stocksfield Road, West Denton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 4PF

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: Oh my dear girl! You must be filled with worry. It's terrible when a man no longer sees anything physically appealing in his wife and stops satisfying her because of the feelings of abhorrence. Us women need that signal from our husbands so we know that we're still attractive and desirable. Personally I wouldn't know what it's like to have such a problem, as lots of men keep throwing themselves at me. Maybe you should ask your husband Mr White what the trouble is?

If you're truly honest with yourself, Julie, you'll know that you've probably suspected that he's getting his satisfaction from somewhere else now. As your marriage starts to flag over time, and you start to age and get all droopy, it is inevitable that a man will start exploring his homosexual curiosity to continue getting a sexual thrill. This doesn't mean that you're necessarily unattractive, but let's face it dear, if you still were, he wouldn't be playing around with other men in public toilets, now would he?

If he doesn't leave you, which only happens in 9 cases out of 10, you could always start dressing up as a bloke to try to keep his interest. But really, I doubt Steve would want to have sex with some silly cross-dressing tart, do you? But what do I know, I'm only an agony aunt!


Aunt Aggie © 2008