Thursday 13 March 2008

Boss Wants To Sleep With Me!

“Dear wonderful Aunt Aggie, I'm really unsure what to do. I'm a secretary, and my boss is in his 40's, married, with two children. He keeps flirting with me, and last week he asked me out to dinner. I said no, as I'm really not interested, but it felt really uncomfortable. Then, one night when I was working late he asked me to have sex with him in the office cupboard! I was shocked! He said he could guarentee my promotion if we got "a little friendly"! I'm even friends with his wife and I have my own boyfriend! I just can't understand how he has the gall to be like this! What should I do to tell him I'm not interested without it being awkward around the office?”from Kelly in Killingworth, age 22

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: Oh my dear, it's terrible the sort of sexist behaviour us girls have to put up from the men folk. Some of them think they're god's gift to women! Almost every day I have men throwing themselves at me. Occasionally some handsome young hunk is so determined to get me that I'm forced to beat him off.

What an awkward situation you're in! If you're too harsh and firm he may try to get you sacked. But if you're too polite he may keep trying. However, face it my dear, you're probably bringing this on yourself. Wearing short skirts and low-cut tops in order to childishly get attention is the real root of the problem. If you'd had a better upbringing then maybe you wouldn't now be trying to have sex middle aged bald men old enough to be your father.

Good god, woman, why would he be interested in you? Don't you realise that what he really wants is a proper woman, who is mature and has some brains? Go to his wife an apologise for being a little skank and trying to break-up her family. Maybe then you'll see that he couldn't possibly want to be with some gold-digging and scatterbrained secretary who dresses like a cheap prostitute.

Aunt Aggie © 2008