Thursday 28 February 2008

Troublesome Teenagers

“Dear Aunt Aggie, I need some new ideas. I am sick and tired of asking my teenagers to make their beds and tidy their rooms. They said, "yes mum I'll do it later" but it never gets done! Eventually I get so fed up I have to go and tidy it myself. How can I get them to clean up their own mess? Any suggestions?”from Irate Mum in Manchester

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: It's really awful the way teenagers act nowadays. They have no respect for authority. They seem to expect everyone around them and society to provide everything for them. I blame the schools, partly.

But perhaps it's the way you've brought them up? Maybe you haven't been too insistent with them in the past which could be the reason you've brought this on yourself.

However, they're only young once and have a lot to think about with school or college work without bothering with these mundane things you're demanding. You brought them into the world, therefore it's your responsibility to make sure they get looked after properly, which should include breakfast in bed in the mornings!

We didn't win the war against the Gerries with your sort of 'somebody else should do it' attitude! So instead of moaning and feelings sorry for yourself, why don't you get on with cleaning out their rooms yourself you lazy woman – since YOU'VE obviously got much more time on your hands or you wouldn't wasting hours on your computer and bothering me!

Aunt Aggie © 2008