Sunday 24 February 2008

Boobs Too Big

“Dear Aunt Aggie, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I want to get breast reduction surgery at a private clinic, but my partner is worried in case something goes wrong. He is threatening to leave me, but I just really need this surgery for myself. What should I do?”from Helen in Hull, 36

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: How selfish and inconsiderate of him! You should be allowed to make your own decision on such a personal matter, especially since it effects your self-esteem and appearance – which is important for a woman.

However, since cosmetic surgery is a serious step and your boyfriend might simply be concerned for your welfare, it's quite possible that he’s just jealous in case you suddenly become attractive and have other male admirers.

Therefore, I can't help wondering what your real reasons are for wanting to undergo such radical surgery? Is it because you are attracted to someone younger and are making a last desperate attempt at clinging on to the few looks you have left at your age? If so, bear in mind that even after all the expense and trauma of this type of operation, you'll still be so fat and ugly that the person you want to attract remains disinterested in you. After all, at 36 you're practically “over the hill”!

Since your boyfriend has my fullest sympathy, I shall be writing to him about the sort of person you really are, and advising him to have a proper relationship with someone else, instead of wasting his time with such a devious and untrustworthy person as yourself. Besides, I've been married 8 times and I can tell you that men appreciate a woman with a nice pair of naturally beautiful breasts, not someone who has to go under the surgeon's knife to even have a chance of looking attractive, like some sort of aging prostitute.

Aunt Aggie © 2008