Monday 18 February 2008

Messy Family

“My husband and kids are always leaving the house in a mess. I've tried nagging them to pick up their clothes, clean up after themselves, etc, but they just won't listen. They don't seem to care how I feel, and I am really at the end of my tether. Please help.”from Gwen, age 38

Loving Aunt Aggie replies: Obviously they are treating you like a doormat and you should have made them realise you are a normal human being not a carthorse. I do sympathise but wonder why you have allowed this to go on for so long? Can it be some underlying problem which is usually because of being overweight and/or unattractive?

However, don't despair because you can seek free psychiatric help. After all you may not be as ugly as they think you are. And I shouldn't worry TOO much about your husband running off with a more attractive and younger woman which only happens in 9 cases out of 10.

You may be one of the lucky ones whose husband will stand by her through thick and thin, though I doubt it from what you tell me in your letter. When your husband does leave you, you can always join weight-watchers and then when you regain your figure it might still be possible to meet someone else who isn't put off by your unattractiveness.

Though I doubt it at your age.

Aunt Aggie © 2008